Minutes: Board Meeting, June 12, 2014

The board meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm by Julia Pitkin-Shantz, as VP, in Elliot Totah’s absence, and the existence of a quorum was acknowledged.

John Hawks from Oxbridge Development presented and read over several different motions for actions taken since the last board meeting.

  • Article 1 – talked specifically about the time line for the development of the HOA – developer to HOA Board control. John moved, Justin secondeded the motion. The article passed unanimously.
  • Article 2 – Budget for the picnic was less than $100. John moved, Justin seconded the motion. The article passed unanimously.
  • Article 3 – The approval of the 2012 audit by Strauss & Associates for the HOA. John moved, Justin seconded. The article passed unanimously.
  • Article 4 – the landscape budget of $9,900 to Kalyx Green Landscaping. Julia moved, John seconded. The article passed unanimously.
  • Article 5 – Homes 2042 & 2045 modifications to the rear of the properties. Home address 2045 for a patio off the back of their home; home address 2042 for the addition of a deck after their home closing. Julia moved, John seconded. The article passed unanimously.
  • Article 6 – $152.19 for a three year website for the HOA. Julia moved, John seconded. The article passed unanimously.
  • Article 7 – Approval of room rental expenses to Tikvat Israel for meetings held since last Board meeting.John moved, Julia seconded. Unanimously passed.


Current Action Items of the Board

  1. Approval of the 2013 Audit by Strauss & Associates – Julia moved, John seconded. Passed
  2. Legal Fees – much discussion on this matter. The HOA has been budgeting $3,000 per year towards legal fees. This year (2014 to date) we have spent in excess of $4,700. This entire amount is due to two individuals challenging everything the HOA or the developer has been doing. The HOA legal fees are growing. The HOA also has one residence owing at least $6,500 in unpaid monthly assessments. The residence, 2021, does have a lien recorded on the residence for past due HOA dues. John Hawks mentioned maybe contacting the mortgage company of the residence regarding the delay of payment or no payment. Possibly the mortgage company can apply pressure for payment. John also mentioned in all of his years in the development of communities throughout the Maryland, Virginia and DC area, he has never seen anything quite as bad concerning the ongoing challenges this one individual and his friend are doing to the HOA. Julia made a motion to hire Pete Philbin of Rees Broome as counsel on retainer, effective July 1, 2014. Justin seconded. Motion passed.
  3. Monthly financial reports from Chambers Management, which includes all invoices, statements, bills, payments, will be posted to our secure HOA website. Major Highfield will be working on this for the HOA.


Committee Reports

  • Covenants – residence 2004 would like to install a 6’ white vinyl privacy fence at the rear of their property. The board recommended the committee meet again very soon and to let all homeowners know of the intent to meet.
  • Building & Grounds – Dan Hittinger reviewed the landscape contract with Kalyx Green Landscaping and the three other proposals submitted. Kaylx was selected due to the thoroughness of their proposal, their attention to detail and the overall cost/benefit versus the other three proposals. Dan is contacting Kaylx concerning the signed contract and some of the proposed work not being completed, as well as a cost to trim up the trees/shrubs/weeds along the fence line/wall along Baltimore Road. Looking for increased curb appeal. John Hawks spoke to the landscape issues still pending by the developer. The fall will be the best time to resolve these due to the warm weather. Julia reminded the group about the $1,500 credit provided by Montgomery County for trees & shrubs.**Notes – some erosion and ground water ponding at the end of the Craftstar and the beginning of the Williamsburg homes. Craftstar townhomes still need concrete repairs by the developer and by Williamsburg Homes due to construction traffic.
  • Open Members Forum –
    • Doc mentioned that the dog waste problem has greatly decreased.
    • Sherie mentioned that she has noticed occasional dogs unleashed.
    • Dipti brought up the fact that Wolfgang’s car has been vandalized while parked in the community parking spaces by the mailboxes. She suggested putting up a sign about vandalism. Consensus was not to pursue this presently.
    • Oxbridge Development submitted their resignations from the HOA board, effective immediately. John Hawks presented the letters to Julia and the board accepted them.


The meeting of the HOA was adjourned at 8:56 pm by Julia.

The next meeting of the board will be Wednesday June 25th at Tikrit Israel, immediately after the Special Meeting of the Members being called for the purpose of electing three new board members.

These meetings are open to all Members.


Directors Present: Julia Pitkin-Shantz, John Hawks, Justin Temple

Members Present: Doc Shantz (2001), Arthur Halpren (2002), Raz Barzilay (2007), Wolfgang Ludwig & Dipti Singh (2025), Dan & Sherie Hittinger (2055)

Meeting notes submitted by Dan Hittinger

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