Minutes: Board Meeting, July 8, 2014

1. Call to Order and Proof of Notice of Meeting

  • The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm at the Tikvat Israel Congregation.
  • Meeting attendees were Board members, Julia Pitkin-Shantz, Justin Temple, Arthur Halpern and Kris Sollid.
  • Sufficient electronic notice for this July 8 meeting was verified by those present.


2. Approval of Minutes of June 25, 2014 Board Meeting

  • Minutes from the June 25 meeting were approved.


3. Approval of actions taken since previous Board meeting, if any

  • No actions have been taken since the June 25th meeting.

4. Committee Reports, if applicable

  • Covenants Report
    •  The backyard fencing concept at 2004 has been approved, but is pending proper Architectural submission form.
      • A blank copy has been sent to 2004.
      • The Covenants Committee has also requested a copy.
      • A copy of the email from Lisa Ringler (Chambers Management) was requested to be included in the meeting minutes and has been attached.
  • Grounds Report
    • Price quotes for sidewalk concrete repair from Eliot Torah have been received.
    • The HOA attorneys will be approaching Oxbridge and Craftstar to address accountability for the sidewalk damage. Individual homeowners are responsible for driveway repairs.


5. New Business

  • HOA Dues “agreement” with Craftstar
    • Regarding any/all disputes with current HOA dues as a result of projections made at settlement between homeowners and Craftstar, the HOA Board of Directors requests that relevant documentation be presented to the Board. Until such time, the matter will not be further addressed by the Board.
  • Nersi re December election
    • Nersi Zand restated his request for Julia Pitkin-Shantz (President) and Justin Temple (Vice President) to resign and re-run for their current Board positions. He stated that the December 2013 election should be ruled invalid
    • The Board reviewed the December vote, including meeting notes, and a motion to confirm the results of the December election was made and seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
      • It is the Board’s position that the election of the two Owner Members to the Board of Directors (Julia Pitkin-Shantz and Justin Temple), at the Members’ meeting of December 15, 2013, is valid, and Mrs. Pitkin-Shantz and Mr. Temple should continue serving on the Board of Directors.
  • Nersi re dogs
    • A recent email was sent by Nersi Zand to the HOA president regarding the enforcement of our community’s dog leash covenants.


6. Unfinished Business

  • The soil grading, sod laying and other clean up behind 2041 and 2047 has been completed.
  • A motion for Justin Temple to join the Covenants Committee was made, seconded and passed.


7. Open Members Forum

  • No discussion points were raised at this time.


8. Executive Session, if necessary

  • An executive session of the Board was not held.


9. Adjournment

  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.


Minutes taken by Kris Sollid